Amputation Day

Not sure how this works yet and it’s only 4:40 a.m.  Brinkley, our 4 year old labradoodle has to have his right hind leg amputated today along with his anal glands.  I know this is the right thing to do and that he will be okay even after chemo and all else.  My husband is not handling this well and is balking at the whole thing.  Not a good time for him to be throwing this at me.  He is having a really hard time accepting a three legged dog.  I am shocked at his reaction and finally simply said it being done as I am the pets caregiver….he travels alot.  Guess I wish I could prove to him this is okay but don’t know how anymore.  I know what a shock it is going to be seeing Brinkley tomorrow without his leg, but he has been using three legs for almost three weeks now and the oncologist has repeatedly told us his hair will grow back and he will be okay.  Have the feeling my husband isn’t convinced Brinkley’s cancer won’t come back….who can answer that anyway.  Writing this out has helped me a bit as I’m a nervous wreck……!  Thanks.

6 thoughts on “Amputation Day”

  1. Good morning Brinkley’s Mom….

    I can speak for myself, and probably the majority of people on this forum, that you are doing the right thing for Brinkley!

    Remember…..not to him…for him! After he recovers from his surgery, Brinkley will be free from pain…and a happy labradoodle again.

    There are no guarantees with this journey..or any journey that life brings us.

    Take care of yourself today….and get some rest tonight!

    If you have a chance…can into the chat room today or tonight! You will get lots of support from many pawrents!

    My lab, Tucker, is seven weeks post-amp (front right leg) and he is doing wonderfully.

    No regrets….good luck today to you and Brinkley.


    Linda and Tucker 🙂

  2. Hi-

    I am so sorry you’re having a hard time with your husband – some people just have a harder time accepting the situation, but you did the right thing for your Brinkley! I bet in time your husband will come around! It will be hard at first, but you’ll see, and so will your husband, how great Brinkely will do on three legs!

    Come by the chat room – when you come to chat, scroll all the way down, the chat room is at the bottom of the page – there’s usually some of us in there to offer some support!! Here’s hoping for a successful surgery for Brinkely today – keep us posted!!

    Erica & Tripawd Kitty Jill

  3. Unfortunatley, there is no guarantee that the cancer won’t come back.. but there is definately a known fact that he will be pain free.. happy go lucky, and loving life after the amputation. It is amazing how well they do with three legs…. and they don’t dwell on the fact that they are mising a leg… they just live day by day, sniffing, smlling, eating, pooping and loving you every moment they can!

    Ther are many furbabies on here that have lived for months, years after their amputation. Unfortuantely, sometimes things do go that way with some of our sweet furkids, but at least we know that we tried our best and their last weeks, months, years, whatever with us were filled with enough lovings to burst the heart measing scale!!

    Don’t focus on the fact that Brinkley is missing a leg when you pick him up.. look into his eyes and focus on the fact that he is just so gosh darn happy to see you again!!!!

    The first few weeks could be a bit rough, once pain meds are worked out and he adjusts to eating, etc.. I would suggest if you have hardwood or laminate floors that you invest in some of those washable rubber backed throw rugs to put down… it makes it safer for our tripawds to get around and not fall and hurt themselves!!

    tell your hubby that just because Brinkley is losing a leg, doesn’t mean that he has lost any of the love that he has for his pack members. It’s still there.. behind all that tail wagging and drooly kisses!!!

    Keep us posted.. and stay sane!! you can do it!

    Christine….. with Franklin in her heart♥

  4. Brinkley’s Mom,
    I totally understand where you are at. My 5 yr old Weimaraner had cancer of her leg and she had to have it amputated. I, like you mostly care for all the animals so ultimately make most of the care decisions. My husband did not want me to have her leg amputated. It certainly isn’t easy dealing with a husband (or wife, kid, friends) that don’t agree with you when your heart is breaking. The only way I convinced my husband was when I brought Maggie home and after a recovery period she was up running around, even going on short horseback rides. It’s almost always the right decision to take the dog or cat out of pain (to me)if you can. Unfortunately Maggie’s cancer came back 4 months latter and we had to put her to sleep but I still would have amputated her leg because she was in pain and I did have 4 months with her so it’s all relative. You are doing the right thing, your husband will be surprised how well Brinkley does and you will love Brinkley even more. Good Luck
    Penny, Blink and Maggie over yonder

  5. Brinkley and Mom, we are so glad you came here to tell us all about your story. Although our forums are down now, they should be up soon and you can go there too for even more support OK?

    Please don’t feel like you are all alone, you’re definitely not. We are here for you and will give you both the strength you need to get through this ruff time.

    Brinkley WILL be a strong, inspawrational dog and he WILL change the way your husband looks at the situation. It’s hard to see it right now but this kind of adversity brings so many blessings and can change our world in many pawsitive ways if we just follow our Tripawd’s lead.

    Hang in there and let us know what we can do to help OK? Good luck, keep us posted.

  6. Hi Brinkley, glad I found your blog here. Big, giant hug! Listen to everyone’s advice, it’s gotten me through some rough patches myself. Thankfully, my husband supports my decisions with our fur-kids, even if there is a lot if grumbling, so I don’t have to contend with that aspect. As everyone else has said, there are no guarantees in life but there is eternal hope. Take everyday as it comes and keep on breathing. We are here whenever you need us. Good luck.

    Mandy and Maverick

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